Friday, May 9, 2014

Harvard To Permit Satan Worship On Campus

Here is a very special message from the Cardinal Newman Society:

May 9, 2014
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Dear friends,

Some weeks are bad.  Real bad.

Pope Francis keeps warning us not to ignore Satan.  Maybe he knows something special is coming.  Perhaps we're seeing a spiritual backlash to the canonization of Pope John Paul II—the "education pope," whose love for Christ and young people launched the renewal of Catholic education.

Whatever the reason, now comes the storm:

This week, in a SPECIAL REPORT, we reveal a dramatic spike in scandalous commencement speakers and honorees at Catholic colleges.  The 20 colleges cited in our report exceeds the number in 2004—the same year, one decade ago, when the U.S. bishops banned Catholic honors and honorary platforms for opponents of Catholic teaching.

We should be alarmed, but also more dedicated than ever to our important task!  The trend has been toward Catholic renewal—we've seen a steady decline in commencement scandals over several years, with just six in 2013.  But there are professors and wayward educators who think the time is right to return to the dissent and confusion of prior decades.  The Cardinal Newman Society was founded to escape that darkness and restore truth and fidelity to Catholic education.

We need faithful Catholic education more than ever!  So-called elite education is overrated, expensive and often even a danger to students' souls.  Read this:Harvard University is permitting students to hold a "black mass" in celebration of Satan and all that is evil.  Loyola Marymount University—which repeatedly subverts its Catholic mission—is welcoming the president of Planned Parenthood for a major speech on campus.  And the troubled University of Notre Damerejected approval for a pro-marriage student club.

Increasingly, the once-neutral term "secular" implies disrespect or downright intolerance for religion.  Our federal government has violated the First Amendment once again, by asserting authority over the personnel relations of yet another lukewarm but legally Catholic college, Seattle University.

And within the Church, the largest association of women religious will honor Fordham University's dissident theologian Sister Elizabeth Johnson, despite the public condemnation by Cardinal Gerhard Müller, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Dark times like this remind us that we are responding to an ongoing crisis in Catholic education.  But none of this discounts the beautiful education that thousands of students are getting from faithfully Catholic schools and colleges… and their numbers are growing, most assuredly!  We see the light even amid the darkness, because we place our hope in God's truth and love.

And God will prevail.

Patrick J. Reilly

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