Friday, May 23, 2014

Jersey Shore Gears Up; Benefits From Sandy Relief

Asbury Park: Ready For Summer 2014
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has remained committed to rebuilding Asbury Park after the boardwalk alone suffered $3 million in damage after Superstorm Sandy. New Jerseyans came together to rebuild in the aftermath of the storm and welcomed visitors from across the country back to Asbury Park and the Jersey Shore last summer and are prepared to continue the momentum into the Summer of 2014.

FEMA has obligated over $6.6 million in federal funds 
through the Public Assistance program to Asbury Park 
for eligible debris removal, emergency services and 
rebuilding activities.
Asbury Park residents and businesses have received 
approximately $3.3 million in payouts from the 
National Flood Insurance Program.
Asbury Park residents have received approximately 
$465,920 in FEMA Individual Assistance, which includes 
repair costs, replacement costs, rental assistance 
and other needs assistance.
Asbury Park received an Essential Services grant 
of $350,000 through the Community Development 
Block Grant (CDBG) Program.
EDA Stronger NJ Business Grant has approved 4 grants 
to Asbury Park businesses worth $199,611.
Asbury Park City School District, received $9,192 in 
funding from the U.S. Department of Education’s 
Project School Emergency Response to Violence grant 
program, which provides services designed to maintain 
safe learning environments for children. The program 
was made available to  schools that were disrupted 
by the storm.

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