Monday, May 5, 2014

Key Tea Party Group Endorses Tom MacArthur

Here is a very special message from the Inedepndence Hall Tea Party PAC:

Dear Conservative NJ Friends,

It's been a while since my last communication with you and our inspiring Independence Hall Tea Party bus trips to the nation's capitol for both the September 12, 2009 March on DC and Glenn Beck's August 2010 Restoring Honor Rally.

I am writing to you because there is a very important matter that requires our attention-electing a replacement for retiring Congressman Jon Runyan (NJ-3).  (See press release below.)

This seat has been rated a toss-up by the Cook Political Report, which means it is critical for us to support a conservative Republican candidate who can win the New Jersey 3rd
Congressional District in the November General Election.

Initially, there were over 12 Republican candidates who announced their intention to replace Congressman Runyan.  Only a few of them were viable conservative candidates-one of them being Mayor Tom MacArthur.  And now the race has come down to a contest between two men.

Our PAC endorsed candidate, Tom MacArthur, originally Mayor of Randolph, NJ, has owned a home away from home in Ocean County, New Jersey for almost a decade.  He's paid taxes, participated in charities, and joined a religious congregation-all in Ocean County.

Despite what you might have heard from his main rival in the Republican primary, Tom MacArthur is a strong conservative who would repeal ObamaCare, defend our Second Amendment Rights, support Peace through Strength, and oppose taxpayer-funded abortion.

An eight-member screening committee met with Tom for over three hours and then voted unanimously to recommend his endorsement to the full board of the Independence Hall Tea Party PAC.

We had to consider the fact that his only opponent, perennial candidate Steve Lonegan, is
0 for 5 in his attempts at winning higher office.

Tom, a successful businessman who founded the In God's Hands Foundation, was very grateful for our vote of confidence.

This Wednesday night, May 7, at 7 PM, I, along with other Independence Hall Tea Party members, are meeting at Tom's Burlington County Headquarters, 223 High Street, Mount Holly NJ, to organize a TEAm MacArthur volunteer committee. 

Tom needs our support and invites you, your relatives, friends and neighbors to join this effort.

Together, we took trips to DC, defeated liberal Congressman John Adler, and rallied against ObamaCare.  Let's make sure, through a MacArthur victory, that Nancy Pelosi does not, once again, become Speaker of the House.

Please feel free to contact me regarding the race and the upcoming meeting.  An RSVP is not required but any feedback is welcomed and I look forward to hearing from you.

Remember, you do not have to live in the district to be a volunteer.

In Liberty,
Bill Green - PAC Vice President (NJ-3)

Independence Hall Tea Party PAC          
For Immediate Release

Calling MacArthur a Reagan Conservative,
Regional Tea Party PAC Unanimously Backs Tom MacArthur
  in NJ 3rd Congressional District Race

Mount Laurel, NJ (March 28, 2014) -- Calling Tom MacArthur a Reagan Conservative, the Independence Hall Tea Party PAC Board of Delegates
announced, today, that it has unanimously voted to endorse Tom MacArthur to succeed Jon Runyan as Congressman in New Jersey's 3rd Congressional District.

The influential Tea Party PAC, with thousands of members and supporters in the Garden State, successfully backed Jon Runyan for Congress early in the 2010 primary season.

An eight-member screening committee met with Mr. MacArthur last month at the Tabernacle Inn, and, after a lengthy interview, voted unanimously to recommend his endorsement to the full Board. 

Mr. MacArthur--a respected businessman and former Councilman and Mayor of Randolph, New Jersey--has, over the last decade, made Ocean County, NJ his home away from home.

"We were extremely impressed with Tom MacArthur's experience in both the private and public sectors--and, reminiscent of Congressman Runyan, his commitment to charitable organizations," said Burlington County resident and PAC Vice President Bill Green.

"Tom and his wife Debbie started In God's Hands, a non-profit charitable foundation that has assisted wounded veterans and their families; Ocean County
Hurricane Sandy victims; and overseas emergency relief projects, among others."

"As a conservative organization, we firmly believe that big government is not the answer to societal problems. 

"Solutions to joblessness and poverty must also come from entrepreneurs, businesses, churches, and charities.  Tom MacArthur's life exemplifies this message.  His ideas will create jobs and grow the economy."

"Tom possesses an upbeat Reaganesque quality and will set a proper tone as he campaigns for congress.  His belief in a strong defense, smaller government, lower taxes, and free enterprise makes him a perfect fit for our district," said Mr. Green.

"Some might be surprised that our PAC is not endorsing perennial candidate Steve Lonegan, who has often been identified as a Tea Party champion.

"In order to be a champion, you must win elections.  Mr. Lonegan is 0 for 4 in his attempt at winning higher office.

"As he tries to gain traction in a primary battle he said he would never wage, Mr. Lonegan, who knows how to manipulate the media, is billing this race as 'establishment v. Tea Party.'

"That depiction is false and our endorsement proves it.  Republicans of all stripes are uniting behind Tom MacArthur.

"In Tom MacArthur, we have found a winning conservative alternative to Mr. Lonegan that deserves the consideration of every Tea Party, Republican, and Independent voter alike," said Mr. Green.

"We need a fresh conservative face for New Jersey and Tom MacArthur is that face."
#      #     #

The Independence Hall Tea Party PAC is the sister organization of the Independence Hall Tea Party Association, the oldest and largest Tea Party in the tri-State region.

Since its founding, the PAC is 8 for 10 in contested NJ primary races.  In the 2010 primaries, the PAC endorsed Anna Little, Jon Runyan, Scott Siprelle, and Dale Glading. 
In the 2012 primaries, the PAC endorsed Anna Little, Chris Smith, Dave Larsen, Joe Kyrillos, and Mitt Romney.  In 2013, the PAC endorsed Dr. Alieta Eck over Steve Lonegan. 

Paid for by Independence Hall Tea Party PAC.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's
committee.   Visit:

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