Monday, May 12, 2014

So, Who's The MOST Hypocritical Dem Candidate?

With all of the Democrats running for Pennsylvania governor scrambling to drain their campaign coffers as they try to out-liberal themselves in the race for their party’s nomination, the Corbett-Cawley campaign released a guide to help find the most hypocritical of the Democratic candidates. This simple three-step guide (produced by Corbett-Cawley) says it makes it possible to find out "just who is being most flagrant with their hypocrisy."

Hypocrite (noun): 1. a person who claims or pretends to have certain beliefs about what is right but who behaves in a way that disagrees with those beliefs. 2. (Spoiler alert!) Millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf

Step 1. Look for someone who is spending millions of his personal wealth on his pitifully plagiarized gubernatorial campaign despite repeated pleas for campaign finance reform and stating, “If a candidate has to [self-fund] he shouldn’t be a candidate.”

Step 2. Look for someone who promised to be transparent by releasing any information asked of him and then repeatedly reneges on that promise. For example, someone who refuses to release more than three years of tax returns (where he paid an incredibly low 8.7 percent tax rate) despite promising to release whatever was asked of him.

Step 3. Look for a candidate who promises to close the Delaware Loophole (Yes, the one that Governor Corbett Tom Corbett already closed as of 2015) who is actually taking advantage of the Delaware Loophole.
Welcome to Delaware!
Corporation Service Company
2711 Centerville Road, Suite 400, Wilmington, Delaware
Registered Agent for The Wolf Holdings Organization


And there you have it. Tom Wolf has spent millions of his family’s wealth and Pennsylvania pension funds to create a new identity that he hopes will propel him to a victory in November. The truth is that he is an out-of-touch millionaire paying a single digit tax rate who believes that middle class Pennsylvanians should pay even higher taxes. He also added to his wealth by exploiting the very Delaware Loophole that he’s campaigning against.

But what else would you expect from a hypocrite like millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf?

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