Wednesday, May 14, 2014

VERY Special Endorsements in Upcoming Primaries

Here Is a special message from our friends at the Independence Hall Tea Party Association:

Dear Friends of Liberty,

The PAC Board of Delegates is proud to announce our Endorsements for key 2014 Pennsylvania and New Jersey contested primary races. (As Delaware holds its primary in September, it would be premature for the PAC to endorse any First State candidate at this time.)       

Please understand that the goal of the PAC is to move our country in a conservative direction by winning elections.  Our 2014 motto is "Keep the House, Win the Senate." 

The twenty-two member Board of Delegates made the following endorsements after thoughtfully and carefully analyzing each race.  The Board considered each candidate's character, credibility, platform (principles), presentation skills, and ability raise to money.  

We hope you will give the following Republican candidates your every consideration. Even if you do not live in their districts--a strong likelihood--you can still volunteer and contribute to their campaigns.  We will be bundling money to help our endorsed candidates who are in most need of financial assistance. 

The PA Primary will be held Tuesday, May 20.   Polls open @ 7 AM and close @ 8 PM.

PA Congressional District 17--covering parts of Carbon, 
 Lackawanna, Luzerne, Monroe, and Northampton Counties, as well as all of Schuylkill County.
The PAC has endorsed conservative race car driver and businessman Matt Connolly (left), a strong proponent of American Energy Independence, over rivals Matt Dietz and David Moylan. This decision had more to with candidate credibility than any major
differences on issues.  Of all the congressional districts in the DE, NJ, and PA, this race represents our best chance to flip a seat from D to R--and replacing extreme leftist Congressman Matt Cartwright with conservative Matt Connolly would be an amazing upset. Matt is in this race to win it--and we believe he can!

To learn more about Matt Connolly, visit:
To volunteer for TEAM Connolly or to pick up a yard sign:  Call us at 215.620.3055.  

PA Congressional District 13--covering parts of Philadelphia (Northeast) and
Montgomery Counties.

The uphill battle for this open seat was made more difficult due to the 2011 redistricting map.  The PAC is recommending--not endorsing--businessman 
Dee Adcock (left), the 2010 nominee who garnered
a surprising 44% of the vote against entrenched incumbent, Allyson Schwartz.  Dee's primary opponent is Beverly Plosa-Bowser, a political novice and Air Force veteran.  While we like both candidates a lot--we think the more experienced Dee deserves a second shot at winning this seat. 

To learn more about Dee Adcock, visit:
To volunteer for TEAM Adcock or to pick up a yard sign:  Visit 2611 Philmont Avenue, Huntingdon Valley, PA, M-F, 9 AM-5 PM, or Call 215.947.8644.

PA State Senate District 28--covering parts of York County, including the city of York.

The PAC voted to endorse State Senator Scott Wagner (left) even before his amazing April, 2014 Special Election victoryas a write-in candidate.  We have been very disappointed with the performance of the Republican State Senate since the election of Governor Corbett in 2010 and Scott Wagner's re-election will keep a strong conservative voice working in that body.  We suspect Scott will win the primary and be easily re-elected in this heavily Republican district.

To learn more about Scott Wagner, visit:

PA State House District 12--covering parts of Butler County.

DE State Senator Dave Lawson & PA State Representative Daryl MetcalfeWhat can we say about PA's own Mr. Conservative
State Representative Daryl Metcalfe (seated on right in photo of our event).  For one thing, he is the hardest working legislator in Harrisburg.  For another, he was named 2013 PA Legislator of the Year by the Independence Hall Tea Party.  We're scratching our heads trying to figure out why any Republican would challenge him in a primary?   Doesn't matter, Daryl will win this one walking away.

To learn more about Daryl Metcalfe, visit:

Democrat Nomination for Governor
Calling her the most Anti-Tea Party candidate in the race for Governor, the PAC gave Allyson Schwartz an anti-endorsement nod for good reason.  In our 2014
Congressional Tax Day Scorecard, Congresswoman Schwartz tied Congressman Cartwright for the lowest score--a measly 5% approval rating.  You may be wondering why we would spend time writing an anti-endorsement press release--and we'll be happy to explain it to you--after the May 20th Primary.  

The NJ Primary will be held, Tuesday, June 3.  Polls open @ 6 AM and close @ 8 PM.

NJ Congressional District 7--covering parts of Essex, Morris, Somerset, Union, and Warren Counties, as well as all of Hunterdon County.

The PAC endorsed challenger David Larsen (left) over incumbent Congressman Leonard Lance, in this rare conservative NJ Republican district, because the latter has been the darling of the NJ Sierra Club ever since his days as a State Senator in Trenton.  As a result, Leonard Lance possesses an extremely weak record on American Energy Independence.  While Congressman Lance's voting record has moved to the right in the past few years, we give much of that credit to Dave Larsen, whose candidacy poses a real threat to the incumbent.  Dave, a successful businessman, likes to point out that his opponent is a career politician who is out of touch with mainstream America.  We whole-heartily agree.  One
thing about this race is certain, whoever wins the GOP primary will win the November general election.

To Learn more about Dave Larsen, visit:
To volunteer for Team Larsen or to pick up a yard sign:  Visit 215 U.S. Route 22 East, Green Brook, NJ, M-S, 9 AM-9 PM, or Call 908.437.8377.

NJ Congressional District 3--covering parts of Burlington and Ocean Counties.

Since Congressman Jon Runyan announced his surprising retirement last November, we have been searching for an ideal candidate who could win this toss-up district while tilting this seat in a more conservative direction.  After sifting through a dozen candidates, we were happy to find successful businessman Tom MacArthur (pictured standing on the right) who fits the bill perfectly.  Tom, despite the false claims of his primary opponent Steve Lonegan, is a pro-life, pro-Second Amendment conservative who will fight to repeal ObamaCare.  We note that perennial candidate
Lonegan, who said he was done with elective politics after losing last year's US Senate race, is 0 for 5 in bids for higher office.  We think it's time to give someone else a chance.
To learn more about Tom MacArthur, visit:
To Volunteer for TEAM MacArthur or to pick up a yard sign:  Visit Burlington County Headquarters, 223 High St, Mount Holly, NJ or Call 609.267.3432 or Visit Ocean County Headquarters, 340 rt 9, Bayville, NJ.

To read PAC press releases detailing our rationale for endorsing the above candidates, visit and scroll down the homepage.
We hope to see you volunteering for one of the above Campaigns!

On behalf of the PAC Board of Delegates,
Don Adams

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