Saturday, June 21, 2014

Christie's Caring Pro Life/Whole Life Conservatism

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie captured the imagination of conservatives yesterday at the Faith and Freedom Coalition event in Washington.
Christie is courageously charting a new path -- one based on a groundbreaking, caring conservatism that values the life of every human being, including those who may stumble along the way.
Time and again, Governor Christie has daringly spoken his mind, shown the depths of his caring and bared his heart in the name of a people-centered politics that is not afraid to venture where others dare not go.
Chris Christie is America's caring problem-solver. He's not only the one figure on the national scene who quickly and authentically makes an emotional link with voters, but he's also the most pragmatic and adept bridge-builder and solution-seeker on the horizon.
Maybe this is why so many on the left want to trivialize Christie or tarnish Christie or smear Christie or even demonize him.
But Chris Christie is not deterred.
And once again he's demonstrated the power of his personality and the resonance of his message.
Yes, Christie received a very enthusiastic response from a group that was not expected to embrace him quite so warmly. And yes, once again we're not the least bit surprised.

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