Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Corbett Gains National Kudos For Jobs Growth

The Corbett-Cawley campaign today highlighted national recognition of Governor Corbett's 'More Jobs, Less Taxes' agenda that is growing our economy and has created over 150,000 private sector jobs since Corbett took office, and has driven unemployment to a five-year low of 5.7 percent. Area Development magazine awarded Pennsylvania a Silver Shovel for the 2nd year in a row as Pennsylvania's comeback continues under Governor Tom Corbett.

“Governor Corbett has made job creation and putting Pennsylvanians back to work a priority, and he's getting results," said Campaign Manager Mike Barley. "Lower taxes, less regulations and a thriving energy sector have made our Commonwealth competitive again and thanks to Governor Corbett, our economy is growing and unemployment has plummeted from 8.1 percent to 5.7 percent since he took office. With another four years, Governor Corbett will continue to build a stronger Pennsylvania."

According to the magazine, the "Silver Shovel Awards recognize individual states for their economic development prowess." Area Development notes, Pennsylvania among other states "understand economic development. Their governors and legislatures work tirelessly to improve infrastructure, reduce taxes, provide reasonable incentives, and — most of all — establish a cooperative business environment that creates sustainable, good-paying jobs for future generations." The award was based on 10 projects projected to generate at least 4,800 new jobs and $796 million in private investment.

Area Development noted Pennsylvania's economic footing in areas Governor Corbett has helped to make stronger, "ranging from longstanding, traditional industries like agriculture, coal, and steel to innovative, knowledge-based markets, including life sciences, biotechnology, and nanotechnology. In addition, production of natural gas from the Marcellus Shale is stimulating growth in the oil-and-gas and chemical markets."

Click here to view Area Development's 2014 Awards Announcement.

Click here to view Area Development's Pennsylvania Silver Shovel Award.

Click here to view yesterday's statement from Governor Corbett.

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