Thursday, June 12, 2014

Corbett: Obama-Wolf Energy Policies Kill Jobs

In Pennsylvania, the Corbett-Cawley campaign today released the following statement regarding news President Obama would visit Western Pennsylvania to discuss the economy less than three weeks after proposing a job-killing cap-and-trade tax that will implement a massive tax hike on the Pennsylvania coal industry. The cap-and-trade tax proposal is a cornerstone of Secretary Tom Wolf’s campaign platform.

“If President Obama is coming to Pennsylvania to address the economy, we hope his discussion will include a reversal of his massive, recently announced new energy taxes that would jeopardize more than 62,000 jobs, and a way of life for many in our Commonwealth," stated campaign manager Mike Barley “As the country's fourth-leading coal producer with unemployment the lowest it has been since 2008, it is alarming that both President Obama and Secretary Tom Wolf would support overreaching tax-and-spend policies that would send Pennsylvanians back to the unemployment line."

Governor Corbett released a statement the day the policy was announced pledging to fight those regulations while calling on Secretary Tom Wolf to also denounce these disastrous regulations and his own plans for a cap-and-trade tax supported within his "A Fresh Start" plan. The campaign also launched a grassroots petition calling on Tom Wolf to withdraw his support for the Obama-Wolf energy tax, yet Wolf has continued to dodge making a stand for Pennsylvania jobs.

“We will be looking to see if Secretary Tom Wolf will be standing with the President when he visits Pittsburgh next week," said Corbett-Cawley Campaign Manager Mike Barley. "After all, Tom Wolf supports President Obama’s policies, like cap-and-trade and Obamacare, that are killing jobs and destroying our economy.”

Under Governor Corbett’s leadership, Pennsylvania has become a nationwide energy leader and has lowered energy costs to their lowest levels in a decade. Last week, John Pippy, CEO of Pennsylvania Coal Alliance praised Corbett for his commitment to an all-of-the-above energy strategy that would protect Pennsylvania coal jobs.

For more information on Governor Corbett’s “Energy = Jobs” agenda, please

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