Thursday, June 12, 2014

Flip-Flops Out Of Fear: Wolf And Energy

With millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf officially purchasing a victory in the liberal Democratic primary, he is now starting the process of walking back positions he took during his liberal Democratic primary campaign. Earlier tonight, at the Pennsylvania Environmental Council’s dinner, Wolf backed away from previous comments on his desire to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). Wolf’s walk-back comes as he continues refusing to take a position on President Obama’s most recent attack in his war on coal.

“It certainly didn’t take millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf long to begin flip-flopping his positions for his general election campaign,” stated Corbett-Cawley campaign manager Mike Barley. “Just a few short months ago, Secretary Wolf was shouting from the mountain tops his desire to join the coal-killing liberal Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, and now suddenly he is emphasizing new conditional support for the plan. This is just further proof that the people of Pennsylvania don’t know much about liberal millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf outside of his razor-thin campaign platform as told by his slick television commercials.”

The Corbett-Cawley campaign believes that Wolf is now flip-flopping out of fear of losing the support of the 62,000 Pennsylvanians whose jobs are supported by the Pennsylvania coal industry. Last week, President Barack Obama announced further coal-killing energy taxes, but Wolf still refuses to take a position on the issue.

Under the ‘Climate Change’ section of Secretary Tom Wolf’s website, it clearly states, “Under Tom’s leadership, Pennsylvania will join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.” It has otherwise been noted by the York Daily Record that “Wolf supports joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, an effort among nine states to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.” In a copy/pasted PennFuture survey just last month, Wolf said “Additionally, I will focus on reducing our overall greenhouse gas emissions by having Pennsylvania join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.”

However, earlier tonight, Wolf began adding caveats to his support. “Under my leadership, Pennsylvania will join…under the right circumstances…AND I EMPHASIZE THAT…UNDER THE RIGHT CIRCUMSTANCES...the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative,” stated millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf on June 11, 2014 at the Pennsylvania Environmental Council dinner. You can listen to his comments HERE.

Last week, Governor Corbett was quick to stand up against President Barack Obama’s latest attack on Pennsylvania’s coal industry that supports over 62,000 jobs. The Corbett-Cawley campaign also launched an online petition that called on Wolf to withdraw his support for the Obama-Wolf energy tax. Unfortunately, Wolf has dodged providing a definitive answeras to whether or not he will denounce the harmful regulations.

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