Saturday, June 28, 2014

Is Wolf Trying To Distract From PA's Good News?

For someone who claims to care about the people of Pennsylvania, Secretary Tom Wolf is trying his best to deceive the voters to distract from the great news regarding positive job growth in Pennsylvania.  But, let’s pull back the curtain on Wolf’s spin machine and look at the numbers.
  • $4.2 billion – The deficit that Governor Tom Corbett inherited from the Rendell Administration
  • 8.2 percent – The unemployment rate when Governor Tom Corbett was elected.
  • 5,078,000 – The current number of private sector jobs in Pennsylvania, the most in state history.
  • 178,400 - The amount of private sector jobs created since Governor Corbett took office.
  • 2nd Place– Pennsylvania ranks second in the country in job creation in the most recent jobs report.
  • 5.6 percent – the current unemployment rate today.
“Instead of spending all of his time trying to throw a wet blanket on the great news regarding Pennsylvania’s rebounding economy, maybe Secretary Tom Wolf should come to terms with the fact Governor Tom Corbett is building a strong Pennsylvania,” stated Corbett-Cawley Communications Director Chris Pack.  “Just because Secretary Tom Wolf may not like the fact that Pennsylvania is much stronger today than it was when former Governor Ed Rendell and Secretary Wolf left office, it doesn't mean he needs to talk down the progress Governor Corbett has made to create policies that have led to more jobs, an increase education funding from $8.6 to $9.8 billion (a historic level) and making Pennsylvania an energy leader in the nation.”
For more information on the Corbett-Cawley campaign for A Stronger Pennsylvania, please visit

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