Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Kean, Senate GOP Unveil Roadmap To NJ Solutions

Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean is excited to unveil “Senate Republican Solutions to Make New Jersey the Place to Be” (website link below).

“I am proud and excited to announce today on behalf of the caucus, Senate Republican solutions to make New Jersey the place to live, grow, work, vacation and retire,” Kean said. “Our state is at its best when three generations of families can afford to grow together and improve our state.”

This announcement comes as Kean and Senate Republicans are working to eliminate higher taxes and fees in the upcoming, FY15 state budget, and as just a handful of Senate sessions remain to accomplish meaningful reforms before the legislative summer recess.

“New Jersey’s biggest problem is that too many people from all different communities and backgrounds struggle to stay here, move out, or don’t want to come here in the first place,” Kean said. “This includes young professionals, families, retirees and job creators, and it’s due to a myriad of issues — some longstanding, such as affordability, and some emerging, such as disaster recovery and preparedness.”

“Senate Republicans are now providing people with a living, breathing roadmap to showcase solutions that the people want done and to inspire new ideas and initiatives,” Kean said. “To be successful, we look forward to continuing to engage constituents around the state, as well as our colleagues from across the aisle who control what legislation can be posted for a vote.”

Here is the URL to access this online roadmap:

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