Thursday, June 19, 2014

Kyrillos Blasts NJ Dems Tax Hike Plan

Senator Joe Kyrillos (R-Monmouth) issued the following statement against the Senate Democrats proposal to increase taxes in the FY15 budget by $1.6 billion:

“This $1.6 billion tax-raising proposal represents an all-time low — on a day that the Feds sharply cut economic growth forecasts — despite the fact that Trenton Democrats managed to raise 115 taxes and fees during their last decade of total control.

“Earth to Senate Democrats: Your addiction to tax increases costs people in the public- and private-sectors their jobs and jeopardizes the state’s ability to fund critical public services. Please learn from our state revenue shortfall, people who pay the vast majority of taxes to fund public services will leave this state if you try to make them pay more and are the small business owners who will not come to New Jersey or stay here to employ our residents.

“If people think this shortfall is bad, imagine what happens when the highest percentage of taxpayers leave and take 40 percent of the state revenue with them. That means cuts to public services, pensions, benefits and the elimination of public jobs.”

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