Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Mother Russia? You Bet She is!

It's no accident that this vast nation that we're visiting is often referred to as "Mother Russia."
In fact, as far as we can tell Russia is quite a matriarchal society.
Though the nation has not been led by a woman in modern times, strong women seem to hold sway in nearly every aspect of life. This is owed in no small measure to to the heritage of powerful, courageous women such as Catherine the Great.
And even in the former Soviet Union, women probably wielded their share of influence since women seem to do better within a collectivist system as they seem to naturally be gatherers, sharers and team-builders. On top of all that, they've always proved to be remarkably adaptable and resourceful.  And resourcefulness is key if you hope to survive here, even in modern-day Russia.   
So, what we see here as we go about the country are strong women in many key roles. They organize the tours, move the crowds about, watch over Russia's treasures, keep track of the income and expenses and make sure everyone follows the rules. And, trust us -- they're not to be trifled with.

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