Monday, July 14, 2014

Christie Wins Presidential Straw Poll

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has decisively won a straw poll of possible candidates for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination.
More than 30 possible GOP candidates were listed in the poll sponsored by the Dan Cirucci Blog and Christie topped all the other with 33% of the votes. No one else even came close.
Christie's next nearest rival was Dr. Ben Carson with 11% followed by Rand Paul with 8% and Marco Rubio, Kelly Ayote and Allen West with 5% each. Jeb Bush scored 3%.
Here are the complete results:

Kelly Ayotte
  3 (5%)
Haley Barbour
  0 (0%)
John Bolton
  0 (0%)
Jeb Bush
  2 (3%)
Herman Cain
  0 (0%)
Ben Carson
  7 (11%)
Chris Christie
  20 (33%)
Ted Cruz
  4 (6%)
Mitch Daniels
  0 (0%)
Newt Gingrich
  0 (0%)
Nikki Haley
  1 (1%)
Mike Huckabee
  0 (0%)
Bobby Jindal
  0 (0%)
John Kasich
  0 (0%)
Peter King
  1 (1%)
Susana Martinez
  0 (0%)
Sarah Palin
  2 (3%)
Rand Paul
  5 (8%)
Tim Pawlenty
  1 (1%)
Mike Pence
  1 (1%)
Rick Perry
  2 (3%)
Rob Portman
  0 (0%)
Condoleezza Rice
  0 (0%)
Mitt Romney
  2 (3%)
Marco Rubio
  3 (5%)
Paul Ryan
  0 (0%)
Brian Sandoval
  0 (0%)
Rick Santorum
  0 (0%)
Tim Scott
  0 (0%)
John Thune
  1 (1%)
Scott Walker
  1 (1%)
Allen West
  3 (5%)

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