Thursday, July 10, 2014

Corbett Gains Major Chester County Backing

Fresh off more positive news regarding Pennsylvania’s improving economy under Governor Tom Corbett’s leadership in Harrisburg, the Corbett-Cawley campaign today announced the endorsement from the Chester County Chamber of Business and Industry. 

 The endorsement comes in the wake of the most recent jobs report showing that Pennsylvania now has 5,078,000 people employed by the private sector – an all-time high.

“We proudly endorse Governor Tom Corbett for re-election because he has made the tough decisions necessary to build a stronger Pennsylvania,” stated Chester County Chamber of Business and Industry President Guy Ciarrocchi. “Thanks to Governor Tom Corbett’s leadership in Harrisburg, Chester County is rebounding from the recession and from the bad economy that his administration inherited when he took office. We are now stronger with more people employed in the private sector than at any other point in our state’s history, while our unemployment continues to free-fall. We are excited to see where our state is headed under four more years of Governor Tom Corbett’s leadership in Harrisburg.”

“I am honored to have the support of the Chester County Chamber of Business and Industry, which has been a tremendous partner in creating a business-friendly climate here in Pennsylvania that promotes job growth and economic development,” stated Governor Tom Corbett. “I look forward to working together over the next four years to continue building our pro-business agenda to bring even more jobs to our stronger Pennsylvania.”

The latest jobs report released by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry found that 21,700 private sector jobs were created for the month of May, bringing the total amount of Pennsylvania’s private sector jobs to 5,078,000 – the most in state history. The unemployment rate also fell for the tenth consecutive month to 5.6 percent – a five-year low.

The improving economy under Governor Tom Corbett has earned him praise from leaders around Pennsylvania, including past Pennsylvania Governors Tom Ridge and Mark Schweiker, U.S. Representative Mike Kelly (PA-03) and others. Below is a list of statements in response to the most recent positive jobs report. 

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