Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Corbett's TV Ad: Building A Stronger Pennsylvania

The Corbett-Cawley campaign today released the first television commercial since the Primary Election, entitled “Building a Future.” The ad focuses on Pennsylvania’s rebounding economy under Governor Tom Corbett’s leadership and begins airing today on statewide television.


View the ad by clicking here.
“Governor Tom Corbett is building a stronger Pennsylvania, and that’s a story we are excited to tell to the voters,” stated Corbett-Cawley Communications Director Chris Pack. “Pennsylvania’s unemployment rate is at a five-year low and we have more people working in the state’s private sector than at any other point in history. Governor Tom Corbett is building a stronger Pennsylvania for our future, and he’s not done yet.”

The commercial script and sources are listed below.


We’ve got a great vision for Pennsylvania.

We want it to be the best place for businesses to come and invest.

For you to come and work.

I don’t want to grow government.

I want to grow industry.

You can see where once struggling businesses now have new life.

178,000 new private sector jobs just in the last three years. [1]

We had a vision of a future in which the Keystone State was the best place to invest, the best place to work.

(On-screen text: PA Unemployment Dips to Lowest Level Since Sept. 2008. [2])

We didn’t just save jobs here in Pennsylvania, we opened up new opportunities for growth and for development.

(On-screen text: PA Now #1 in the entire northeast US for building new facilities. [3])

That is part of what we’re doing, is bringing people back to Pennsylvania.

(On-screen text: Corbett's Policies Spur Economic Resurgence. PA Manufacturers' Association. [4])

I want to pass to the next generation a Commonwealth that is debt-free.

That is better than we found it.

That’s the vision.

(On-screen text: PA has seen surge in natural gas employment. [5])

I didn’t come to Harrisburg to make friends, I came to build a stronger Pennsylvania.

And we’re not done yet.


[1] Bureau of Labor Statistics (From January 2011 – May 2014, Pennsylvania has added 178,400 new private sector jobs)
[2] Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
[3] Site Selection
[4] PA Manufacturers
[5] Bureau of Labor Statistics

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