Wednesday, July 9, 2014

GOP Solutions? They've Been There All Along . . .

Obamatons want you to believe that Republicans have no solutions to the problems America faces.
But nothing could be further from the truth.
In fact, the GOP solutions have been there all along for anyone who wishes to open his/her mind and at least consider them.
Here's is some of what the Republican Party stands for:
  • School choice with vouchers; real teacher accountability; 
  • a rigorous national defense; 
  • a foreign policy that says what it means and means what it says -- including standing by Israel;
  •  energy independence with support for coal, shale and the completion of the Keystone Pipeline; 
  • judges who abide by our constitution and who interpret the law instead of making new law;
  •  free-choice healthcare with help for people to purchase their own policies in the free market; 
  • real jobs that come from real economic growth with tax cuts for middle-class families and tax incentives for job-creating businesses; 
  • and end to senseless government regulations that stifle business and rob ordinary Americans of their freedom; 
  • a smaller, more efficient federal government that empowers state and local government and local control to return power to the people; 
  • eliminating the taxes on interest, dividends, and capital gains altogether for lower and middle-income taxpayers; 
  • end the Death Tax; and Repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax; 
  • streamline and simplify the entire tax code with sound consideration of a flat tax; 
  • reform (and clean up) the IRS, free it from corruption; 
  • end intrusive IRS harassment and NSA spying on ordinary, law-abiding citizens. 
And this is only a small part of what Republicans stand for stand and are fighting for everyday.
Click here for more.
And don't let anyone tell you that Republicans have offered no solutions.

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