Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Guadagno Urges Businesses To Prepare For Hurricaines

As the 2014 Atlantic Hurricane Season takes form, State officials are urging business owners to prepare themselves and take steps to mitigate losses if another strong storm affects the region.

“During Superstorm Sandy, there was unprecedented and widespread damage impacting more than 30,000 businesses and countless homeowners who experienced incredible destruction and structural damage,” said Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno. “This experience has taught us that, although we cannot prevent natural disasters such as storms and hurricanes, we can be prepared and proactive in taking the necessary measures that will minimize damage and loss. This Administration is committed to providing our businesses with the tools they need to prepare for emergencies so that they can return quickly to normal operations.”

New Jersey has updated its Guide to Emergency Preparedness to help businesses prepare for natural disasters and emergencies. The online resource provides a checklist that contains key information and reminders regarding emergency and business continuity planning.

In addition to a list of government agencies, the guide provides information about how to proceed following an emergency, such as notifying an insurance agent, having your building inspected, restoring utilities and reestablishing communications with employees.

“Having a game plan in place is essential for businesses of all sizes,” added Lt. Governor Guadagno. “Taking the necessary steps and being prepared enhances the resilience of a business and helps ensure that it will remain a vital part of our state’s economy.”

The Guide to Emergency Preparedness can be found online at

Businesses considering a move or in need of assistance are encouraged to call New Jersey's Business Action Center at (866) 534-7789 or visit the State's Business Portal at

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