Friday, July 18, 2014

Hillary's Big Fear? It May Be Christie . . .

From our wonderful friends at the Save Jersey Blog:

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Chris Christie suffered Clintonistas overload on Thursday, Save Jerseyans.

They’re still treating him like the front runner for the 2016 GOP nomination even after the Bridgegate scandal and ideological indiscretions even if a large segment of the Republican base is less convinced. Go figure.

For starters, Hilldawg herself visited New Jersey for an evening Hard Choices book signing in Ridgewood. She’s hard up for a good headline with past scandals getting new oxygen for the past few weeks, so it must have been nice to experience her tried-and-true North Jersey Democrat sycophants fawning all over her.

Chris Christie stumped in Iowa simultaneously to the Clinton event, but even there he couldn’t escape her minions.

American Bridge 21st Century, a Super PAC named after Bill Clinton’s famous “Bridge to the 21st Century” gimmick and funded by Clinton allies, sent a tracker to ask Christie a Hobby Lobby question during a restaurant visit.

They promptly posted footage of his answer:

The Super PAC is already running web ads against Christie and other GOP 2016 contenders.

Christie is in Iowa for good reason, but Clinton has an equally good reason to be afraid. His polling there is consistently weak. Clinton nevertheless leads the Republican Governor by only one point in the same poll.

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