Wednesday, July 9, 2014

On The Current State Of Affairs . . .

Less government is better government and in that regard and many others the current administration has failed miserably!
Now, hopefully more and more Americans are realizing this and THIS is why Dems are in trouble and many are abandoning ship.
So, the libs will do what they've always done: Try to paint anybody who opposes their view of the world as ignorant, wacky, prejudiced or a combination of all three.
But the truth is that the Dems are devoid of ideas and solutions, with nothing to offer beyond their own phony version of class warfare, reverse racism and renewed isolationism. Their last ditch hope (and it is beyond desperate) is giving as many unsuspecting poor saps as possible a paltry handout and then asking for their thanks on election day in the form of a vote, while the dwindling number of working Americans is forced to pay the bill.

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