Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Real Corbett Education Funding Record!

In Pennsylvania, the Corbett-Cawley campaign today formally launched a new website highlighting the record funding for state education under the Corbett-Cawley Administration. The formal launch follows yesterday's press conference at the Pennsylvania Manufacturers' Association headquarters where Lieutenant Governor Jim Cawley, State Senator Scott Wagner and various education stakeholders set the record straight on the Corbett-Cawley Administration's commitment to education. Since taking office, Corbett has increased state funding by $1.46 billion. The campaign also exposed a Democratic political operative who Secretary Tom Wolf’s supporters are using to portray a mother claiming to be “living paycheck to paycheck.”

The campaign’s “Get the Facts about Tom Corbett and Public Education” website includes video testimonial from Pennsylvania public school teachers on Governor Corbett’s commitment to education. The site also features a year-by-year breakdown of state education funding. You can view the website by clicking HERE.

Below are quotes from Monday's press conference.

Lieutenant Governor Jim Cawley
“Over the last four years, our administration has increased the state’s investment in our public schools by $1.46 billion to now historic levels. It’s shameful that the teachers’ union bosses continually perpetuate a lie to put their own interests over those of the students and teachers they serve. I am calling on Secretary Wolf to denounce the lies of his supporters and allies who have financed this ad and his campaign for more than $1.13 million. As Governor Corbett and I travel the Commonwealth to stress the need for pension reform and through it, relief for property taxpayers, school districts and communities, these unions and Secretary Wolf stand in the way and ignore our crisis to serve their own interests first. We will continue to stand up to the special interests and deliver real reform and results for the people of Pennsylvania.”

State Senator Scott Wagner (PA-28)

“The public sector unions have for years stood in the way of meaningful reforms for Pennsylvania taxpayers. What’s more troubling is that they have used taxpayer resources to collect their member dues to finance attacks like these, regardless of their member’s individual political leanings. Republican, Democrat or independent, it should be up to the unions themselves, not the taxpayers, to collect their dues if they are going to choose to spend them on such disgusting partisan attacks and lies as those made in this ad and over the last four years. I will continue to work with Governor Corbett, Lt. Governor Cawley and this administration to achieve what’s best for all Pennsylvanians, not the Harrisburg special interests.”

Background on PA Families First Ad

PA Families First, a special interests PAC funded by the Democratic Governors Association (DGA) and national public sector unions, recently began airing an attack on behalf of Secretary Tom Wolf. The ad features a Chris, that the on-screen texts labels as a parent. Chris says she is living “paycheck to paycheck.”

“It’s only fitting that Secretary Tom Wolf’s special interest allies would enlist the help of a professional political operative who donates thousands of dollars to Democratic candidates and whose lifestyle as demonstrated on her Facebook page doesn't jive with the living ‘paycheck to paycheck’ claim,” stated Corbett-Cawley Communications Director Chris Pack. “Apparently PA Families First is doing their best Tom Wolf impression by pretending to be someone they are not.”

Below is information on Chris Visco.

-Chris Visco is the owner of PJ’s & Coffee Social Media Marketing

-Among her specialties, she lists “political campaign management” and “political strategist utilizing online marketing strategies”

-Visco is a Democratic political operative who has received thousands of dollars from Democratic candidates for elected office.

Payments to PJ’s & Coffee Marketing:

State Senator Art Haywood (PA-04) for Senate’s Committee (Campaign for Compassion):

$3,150 - 3/5/14

$1,535 - 3/24/14

$700 - 4/1/14

$3,000 - 4/1/14

$524.61 - 4/25/14

$10 - 4/25/14

Friends of Steve Tolliver - Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas:
$2,000 - 4/30/13

$2,000 - 5/20/13

$3,000 - 6/5/13

$3,000 - 7/2/13

$3,000 - 8/27/13

$26.24 - 8/27/13

$3,000 - 10/1/13

$1,000 - 10/10/13

$415.62 - 10/25/13

$3,000 - 10/26/13

$1,000 - 10/29/13

$223.03 - 11/18/13

Individual payments to Chris Visco

State Senator Art Haywood (PA-04) for Senate’s Committee (Campaign for Compassion):

$5,600 - 5/5/14

$500 - 5/19/14

State Senator Arthur Haywood (PA-04):

$2,000 - 1/24/14

$3,263.18 - 2/11/14

Friends of Steve Tolliver - Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas:

$230 - 6/27/13

$146.56 - 7/2/13

$78.92 - 7/15/13

$252.48 - 7/17/13

$184 - 9/9/13

$26.61 - 9/16/13

$101.54 - 9/16/13

$300 - 10/3/13

$46 - 10/17/13

$193.22 - 10/17/13

$215.87 - 10/29/13

$1,000 - 11/2/13

$44.42 - 11/18/13

$609.43 - 11/18/13

For more information on the Corbett-Cawley campaign for a stronger Pennsylvania, please visit www.tomcorbettforgovernor.com.

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