Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Wolf And Obama: Cap 'n Trade War On Coal?

In Pennsylvania, the Corbett-Cawley campaign today released a statement regarding Secretary Tom Wolf’s decision to stand with President Barack Obama and his war on coal as they both support a devastating cap-and-trade tax on Pennsylvania job creators. On Thursday, the EPA will hold hearings in Pittsburgh on their new regulations that jeopardize 62,000 jobs supported by Pennsylvania’s coal industry. 

Today, Governor Corbett joined West Virginia’s Democratic Governor Earl Ray Tomblin and Ohio Lt. Governor Mary Taylor for a pro-energy jobs rally in Pittsburgh ahead of tomorrow’s hearings.

Here is the statement:

“Millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf has chosen to stand with President Obama and his job-killing new cap-and-trade tax even though they both jeopardize over 62,000 jobs supported by the Pennsylvania coal industry,” stated Corbett-Cawley Communications Director Chris Pack. “Maybe the availability of family sustaining, middle class jobs and affordable electricity isn’t important to a millionaire like Tom Wolf, but it’s important for job creators and the rest of the hardworking people of Pennsylvania.”

In early June, the Obama Administration announced a cap-and-trade plan similar to the one proposed by Secretary Tom Wolf, where the amount of allowed emissions from power producers is capped and they are required to reduce their emissions by 30 percent below 2005 levels. If a company releases more than the allowed emissions, they could be forced to purchase costly emissions credits, install expensive upgrades, or even close power plants, all on the backs of consumers and the families who depend on coal jobs and affordable, reliable energy.

Governor Tom Corbett was quick to stand up against President Barack Obama’s latest attack on Pennsylvania’s coal industry. The Corbett-Cawley campaign also launched an online petition that called on Wolf to withdraw his support for the Obama-Wolf energy tax. To date, Wolf has refused to discuss his support for Obama’s war on coal. According to the Pennsylvania Independent, “[Tom Wolf’s] campaign was silent on the new EPA rule, as a spokesman didn’t return a message seeking comment.” Similarly, the Pittsburgh Tribune Review reported, “Corbett's Democratic opponent in November, Tom Wolf, offered a measured response...”

Under the ‘Climate Change’ section of Secretary Tom Wolf’s website, it states, “Under Tom’s leadership, Pennsylvania will join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.” It has otherwise been noted by the York Daily Record that “Wolf supports joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, an effort among nine states to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.” In a PennFuture survey, Wolf said “Additionally, I will focus on reducing our overall greenhouse gas emissions by having Pennsylvania join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.” Corbett challenged Wolf to denounce this cap-and-trade tax he has supported as part of his “A Fresh Start” plan, and to instead support the Pennsylvania coal industry and the Pennsylvania families who rely on this critical industry.

“I am alarmed that President Obama and Tom Wolf would both support a cap-and-trade tax on our energy sector that would jeopardize over 62,000 Pennsylvania coal jobs,” stated Governor Tom Corbett in June. “Pennsylvania is the country’s fourth-leading coal producer, and if President Obama and Tom Wolf had their way, they would be handing out pink slips to 62,000 Pennsylvanians. Our state has come too far over the past four years to go back to these overreaching tax-and-spend policies, and Pennsylvanians have my promise that I will fight these regulations every step of the way.”

Corbett’s support for Pennsylvania’s coal industry earned him the endorsement of Boilermakers Local 154. In endorsing Corbett, Boilermakers Local 154 Business Manager Raymond C. Ventrone touted Governor Corbett’s commitment to the energy industry in Pennsylvania.

“Since taking office, Governor Tom Corbett has kept his promise to fight for Pennsylvania jobs, making our Commonwealth stronger and more prosperous for our members, their families and all Pennsylvanians,” said Business Manager Raymond Ventrone. “We look forward to what the next four years of Governor Corbett’s leadership will hold for Pennsylvania’s future and are proud to stand with him as he seeks re-election this November.”

For more information on the Corbett-Cawley campaign for a stronger Pennsylvania, please visit

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