Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wolf's Phony 'Made In Pennsylvania' Campaign

Millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf came out of hiding for the day and there is only one way to describe his actions - hypocritical. In an interview with KDKA Pittsburgh, Wolf touted his “Made in Pennsylvania” plan, while sticking his tongue out at the state budget and Governor Corbett. The problems? 

Tom Wolf’s comical “Made in Pennsylvania” plan when his own Delaware-based company distributes cabinets manufactured in the state of Indiana.

Tom Wolf’s lack of any budget plan of his own and his own sour record as Rendell’s top tax collector where Wolf certified revenue projections that were so far off, it's difficult to determine whether they were the result of fantasy or gross incompetence. Just days after Secretary Wolf quit his position as Ed Rendell’s chief tax collector, Rendell announced a projected budget deficit of at least $1.6 billion (this number would balloon to $3.25 billion by the end of the fiscal year). That shouldn’t be surprising given Wolf’s history of hightailing it out of town when things got tough – one needs not look further than his business record.

His silence is deafening and further demonstrates that Secretary Tom Wolf’s campaign is nothing more than a redux of Governor Ed Rendell’s political opportunism and lack of leadership. Even more telling are the rumors Rendell appointees Wolf and Kathleen McGinty were whipping Democrats to vote in unison against any proposal that Governor Corbett supports that would address a state pension crisis that Wolf has repeatedly refused to acknowledge. They also fought all efforts to get Pennsylvania out of the booze business and bring choice and convenience to consumers.

Secretary Tom Wolf knows a lot about ‘smoke and mirrors,’ a game he’s run in 30-second television ads bought with a $4.5 million bank loan to purchase the nomination for governor, before turning his back on his fellow Democrats because he failed in his attempt to install fellow Harrisburg millionaire insider, Secretary Katie McGinty as the new Democratic Chairwoman. As Wolf’s own smoke settles, the Corbett-Cawley campaign is eager to help introduce the people of Pennsylvania to the real Tom Wolf.

Wolf’s Budget and Manufacturing Hypocrisy

Wolf Dislikes State Budget: “…Democratic challenger Tom Wolf, campaigning in Pittsburgh, told KDKA political editor Jon Delano he disliked this budget but stopped short of saying he would veto it.” “Mr. Wolf insulted what he called “smoke and mirrors” and “made up revenue figures” in the budget the state legislature passed last week.” Sources: Post-Gazette, KDKA

But Wolf Has No Budget: “So it’s worth asking Wolf: How would you balance this budget? What would your priorities be? You can’t have everything you want, so what tradeoffs are you willing to make? Voters and reporters should be probing the candidate for answers.” Source: Philly Magazine

And Encouraged House Democrats to Sit On Their Hands: “The governor also fired a blast at his Democratic opponent Tom Wolf, asserting he's heard a "disturbing" report that Wolf primary rival-turned-ally Katie McGinty has been urging House Democrats to stand solid and deny Corbett any legislative wins in this pre-election season.” Source: PennLive

“Wolf said he has been in touch with legislative Democrats as the budget scenario has unfolded, three days into a new fiscal with its status in limbo.” Source: AP

Wolf’s Best Effort? A $3.2 Billion Dollar Deficit as Revenue Secretary: “Pennsylvania ended the 2008-09 Fiscal Year with a $3.25 billion revenue deficit, 11% short of estimated collections. General fund collections in 2008-09 totaled $25.5 billion, the lowest total collections since 2005-06.” Source: PA Budget & Policy Center

Wolf’s Budget Failure Cited for Creation of PA’s IFO: “Currently, the executive branch has full authority over the budget office and the result has been overstated revenue estimates and understated costs. For example, in the 2009-10 fiscal year, the governor’s budget office projected revenues of $25 billion. Actual revenues were more than $1 billion below that estimate. In the previous fiscal year, revenue projections were off by $3.2 billion, or 11 percent of the entire budget. If we are basing our appropriation decisions on inaccurate and unreliable revenue projections, we are going to find ourselves short of funds at the end of every fiscal year.” Source: Rep. Stan Saylor, Rep. Dave Hickernell

Wolf Leaves Town Before Things Get Worse in 2008: “At a mid-year budget review briefing, Gov. Ed Rendell said Tuesday that the state's General Fund will be $1.6 billion short by the end of the fiscal year on June 30…He plans to draw $375 million from the state's Rainy Day Fund, and to ask President-elect Barack Obama for $450 million in federal stimulus funding.” Source: Pittsburgh Business Journal

Wolf Says He’ll Close Tax Loopholes: “He would expand Medicaid to bring in new federal dollars and close tax loopholes.” Source: KDKA

The Same Ones He Exploits: “Public documents show the company is incorporated in Delaware, potentially taking advantage of the so-called “Delaware loophole,” which allows businesses to dodge Pennsylvania taxes.” Source: PA Independent

Tom Wolf Pushes “Made in Pennsylvania”: “Made in Pennsylvania — that’s what Democratic candidate for governor Tom Wolf promoted on Monday as he visited start-up companies in Pittsburgh.” Source: KDKA

Wolf’s Own Company Incorporated in Delaware: “Public documents show the company is incorporated in Delaware, potentially taking advantage of the so-called “Delaware loophole,” which allows businesses to dodge Pennsylvania taxes.” Source: PA Independent

Wolf’s Own Products Manufactured Outside PA, In Indiana: “Rob McCord is airing a new TV campaign ad that takes a slap at gubernatorial foe Tom Wolf's building-products company…McCord expressed surprise at learning that some of the products made by The Wolf Organization Inc. are made in the state of Indiana, not in Indiana, Pennsylvania…A campaign spokesman for Wolf, the apparent front-runner in the four-way Democratic primary contest, says all of the York-based company's products are made in the United States.” Source: AP

Rob McCord Wonders, “What was he thinking?”: “When Tom Wolf decided to manufacture his own Wolf-branded cabinets, he declared himself the ‘master of his own destiny.’ He could have gone anywhere to make them. He chose Indiana,” said Mark Nevins, spokesman for the McCord campaign. “Did Tom feel that there were no qualified companies with whom to partner in Pennsylvania? What was he thinking? All he can do is try and change the subject. If he so badly wants to bring manufacturing back to Pennsylvania, maybe he should start by making his cabinets here.” Source: Politics PA

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