Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Bell Launches First Ad Of NJ Senate Campaign

New Jersey Republican U.S. Senate nominee Jeff Bell on Wednesday released the first ad of either candidate in the 2014 general election. Running on WCBS-FM and WOR-AM, the 30-second spot, "Ahead of His Time," alludes to Bell's political past as the premier champion of across-the-board tax cuts and hones in on his tightly focused economic message of 2014: the need to fix monetary policy by tying the dollar once again to gold.
"Cory Booker has no idea how to get the economy moving again," Bell said. "He is in lock-step with Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, who thinks that people making more money is what causes inflation. I want to go back to the gold standard because it will result in better pay and less risk of inflation. Cory Booker wants to keep us stuck in place."

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