Thursday, August 21, 2014

Christie: Here's How We Can All Help Jeff Bell!

A very special message from Governor Chris Christie:

In just 76 days a number of important elections will be taking place across the country. And with your help, I believe Republicans can regain control of the Senate this November. It’s time we had a United States Senate willing to stand up for the American people and reject the failed agenda of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.
Here in New Jersey, we have an opportunity to do our part to take back that majority by electing Jeff Bell to the United States Senate. Jeff is a conservative, pro-growth Republican who has dedicated his career to advancing responsible fiscal policies and promoting our conservative values.
Recent polling continues to show that Jeff Bell is gaining the momentum in this race – a poll released earlier this month showed Jeff to be within single digits in this race.
But Jeff still faces an opponent who is well-known and well-funded by Washington special interests. That is why I’m asking you to join me today in supporting Jeff by giving $250, $100, $50 or just $25 to help spread his message across the state.
The polls are tightening and it’s time to show, once again, that a conservative Republican can win here in New Jersey – by putting people, not Washington special interests, first.
Thank you for joining me to support Jeff Bell for United States Senate,

Governor Chris Christie 

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