Monday, August 11, 2014

Christie Signs Bail Reform Bill, Others Measures

New Jersey Governor Christie today announced action taken on pending legislation, including bipartisan reforms to New Jersey’s bail system that have been in the making for two and a half years. These reforms, along with an amendment to the State constitution appearing on the November ballot before voters, will keep dangerous individuals off the streets by allowing people charged with the most serious violent crimes to be held without bail. In addition, the reforms make the bail system fairer by allowing those who commit minor, nonviolent offenses to have nonmonetary options instead of being confined to jail because they simply cannot afford even low bail amounts.

The Governor also acted on his commitment to give people who are reclaiming their lives a true second chance by signing the “Ban the Box” legislation to help enhance employment opportunities for persons with criminal records.

S-946/A-1910 (Norcross, Scutari, Barnes/Burzichelli, Watson Coleman, McKeon, Mukherji, Quijano, Rodriquez-Gregg) - Implements constitutional amendment authorizing denial of pretrial release; establishes speedy trial time frames; reforms bail proceedings; adds nonmonetary bail alternatives; and authorizes Judiciary to revise fees for these and other court-related programs

ACS for A-1999/S-2124 (Watson Coleman, Green, Spencer, Wimberly, Sumter/Cunningham, Lesniak, Ruiz) - "The Opportunity to Compete Act;" establishes certain employment rights for persons with criminal record

Governor Christie also took the following action on other pending legislation:


S-667/A-2207 (Pou/Vainieri Huttle, Lagana, Giblin, Garcia) - Expands definition and licensure requirements for health care service firms

S-1571/A-3374 (Sarlo/Wisniewski, Stender, Rumana, Clifton) - Designates State Highway Route No. 71 bridge between Borough of Belmar and Borough of Avon-by-the-Sea as "Robert A. Briant, Sr. Memorial Bridge"


S-2264/A-3459 (Beach/Singleton) – CONDITIONAL - Extends application period for certain urban hope projects; permits reconstructed facilities as part of projects; and provides additional retirement benefits for certain PERS and TPAF members in certain urban hope districts

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