Monday, August 11, 2014

Cobb Charges 'Great Society' Destroyed Black Families

From our friends at the Save jersey Blog:

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
It’s a true and awful shame that Garry Cobb isn’t getting more (defined as “any”) help from the powers-that-be, Save Jerseyans, because the former Philadelphia Eagle and current NJ-01 Republican nominee has a story to tell voters whom the GOP just can’t seem to reach. When they even try. Some candidates were just born on the wrong side of the North Jersey/South Jersey ‘Berlin Wall’ if you catch my drift.
In any event, what he shared during a recent segment with Newsmax TV is along the lines of what I said last week following Willingboro’s bizarre decision to honor Barack Obama at JFK’s expense but, for a host of patently obvious reasons, it’s more important to hear this message from an upstanding, successful and famous guy like Garry:

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