Thursday, August 7, 2014

Cobb Seeks Help In Race For Congress!

Here's a very important message from New Jersey's candidate for Congress in the first congressional district, Garry Cobb:

My opponent and Senator Harry Reid have something in common:

Their wealth has increased since they started holding elected office.

In fact, they are the very 1% Nancy Pelosi keeps warning us about.

Monday night, Don Norcross frantically called on his liberal pal to shake down donors for him in South Jersey.

Now, I figure you are not as wealthy as the Fat Cats that Don likes to hang with, and I’m not asking for the thousands of dollars you need to be his “friend.”

I am just asking for 1%.

Can I count on your pledge today of 1% of whatever Norcross raised at the Reid fundraiser?

Each pledge will help fight the Norcross family and their wealthy-insider allies, like Harry Reid. And since you are the 99%, all I need from you is the remaining 1%

Please follow this link to contribute 1% of whatever you predict he has raised.

Let’s send Washington liberal Harry Reid packing, and wannabe Donald Norcross with him.

Thank you,
Garry Cobb


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