Thursday, August 21, 2014

Even NY Liberals Now Doubt Obama's Resolve

"Obama’s resolve to rain death on the savages of ISIS was far from clear. Worse, he signaled disdain for the gravity of the moment by going from the presidential podium straight to a vacation round of golf.
"The country deserved better from its reluctant-warrior commander in chief. So, too, Foley’s family. So, too, the family of Steven Sotloff, a second American journalist held by ISIS. So, too, the tens of thousands of Iraqis and Syrians facing murderous barbarity. . . .
"The President is obligated to vindicate the national honor while making mortally clear that an attack on one U.S. citizen is an attack on all.
"Because, make no mistake, rich with stolen millions, equipped with seized weaponry, drawing thousands of fanatical recruits — including some Americans — and in control of vast territories, ISIS seeks to attack the U.S. homeland." 
--New York Daily News editorial

Click here to read the full editorial. 

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