Monday, August 4, 2014

Fat Cats Pay To Play; Citizens Say 'Go Away!'

Someone in the Fat, All-Powerful, Camden County Democrat Organization decided to make Harry Reid the face of the local Democrat Party today.
That was the first mistake.
And someone decided to do it at a $2,600-per-person reception right smack in the middle of Camden County's wealth-laden Golden Triangle.
That was the second mistake.
And someone decided to schedule it during the rush hour along the county's most traffic-heavy corridor on Route 70 in Cherry Hill.
That was the third mistake.
Given the fact that Horrible Harry is possibly the most unattractive member of the U. S. Senate majority (a man who is intensely disliked even by many Democrats) no one should have been surprised that he would trigger a Very Healthy Response from the loyal opposition, even in this bluest of blue counties.
And that's exactly what happened as a lively and vocal band of protestors lined a good quarter-mile of Route 70 to say "Go Home, Harry!"
As the Insiders gathered within the cushioned confines of Caffe Aldo Lamberti to pay steep monetary homage to Reid and the powerful Norcross Brothers (Boss George and State Senator Donald) the hearty outsiders -- ordinary, hard-working, tax-paying Americans -- stole the show. The Insiders communicated with themselves and no doubt patted themselves on the back, congratulating themselves on their power, patronage and presumed potency. Meanwhile, the protesters gained a much larger and potentially more effective audience as they communicated with thousands of weary working people headed home from their jobs. And the response they got was wonderful as the drivers repeatedly beeped their approval.
Oh, yeahhh . . . it was a great day -- especially with GOP congressional candidate Garry Cobb and GOP Senate candidate Jeff Bell on hand to speak. And then there was the region's favorite radio talker, the fearless and irrepressible Dom Giordano.
To tell you the truth, it sorta reminded us of 2010.
And you know what happened in the midterm elections that year.
Enjoy* the scenes (and signs) from the protest, below:

*And one other thing: Kudos to the outstanding Cherry Hill Police Department which did a fine job maintaining order, keeping everyone safe and making sure that everyone's rights were protected. This is the way America is supposed to work and Cherry Hill's finest proved once again that they are top-notch professionals! Bravo!

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