Friday, August 15, 2014

How You Can Help Protect Religious Freedom

Here is a very special message from the Cardinal Newman Society:

Dear friends,
We will not stand for this.
Last year, Loyola Marymount University dropped its health insurance coverage of elective abortion for employees (after inquiries from a courageous professor and your Cardinal Newman Society).  
Soon after, another Jesuit university in California, Santa Clara University, did the same.   
loyolaNow in reaction, the state of California appears to be on the verge of forcing religious nonprofits—like Catholic colleges and universities—to provide this outrageous coverage.  Read more on how you can oppose this religious freedom threat here.  
And be sure to check out all of the latest news in Catholic education below, including a recent report affiliated with Georgetown University Medical Center that laments policies restricting abortion.
May the Blessed Virgin Mary, who was assumed into heaven, pray for us.
Sincerely yours in Christ,

Patrick J. Reilly

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