Sunday, August 24, 2014

News Wrap For Philly Area Conservatives

Here is a special message from the Independence Hall Tea Party Association:

Dear Members and Friends

Over the past few weeks and months, we have been busy preparing plans for
the Independence Hall Foundation--and we are excited about its future.
In early September, we will announce a line-up of terrific events which will
include Monthly Policy Briefings and celebrations commemorating the
Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights

Reid/Norcross Protest Rally
On August 4, the Association joined a coalition of New Jersey organizations in
a protest rally against Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV).

Senator Reid traveled to Cherry Hill, NJ to attend a fundraiser on behalf of
Democrat Congressional Candidate Donald Norcross (NJ-1).   
Nearly 250 protestors, including many members of the Association,  were
on hand to give the Senator and event attendees a not-so-warm welcome.
For those playing the 'numbers game,' protestors most certainly outnumbered the attendees of this 1 percent event (tickets sold for $2600 a pop).   No mention of 'numbers game' in media accounts.  Wonder why? 
NJ Republican Senate candidate, Jeff Bell (above left), who has been rising in the polls of late (CBS/New York Times poll showed him within 7 points of the incumbent, Senator Cory Booker) and Republican Congressional Candidate,Gary Cobb, NJ-1, (above right), were among those who spoke at the rally.

Many thanks to Dom Giordano, who heavily promoted the protest on WPHT.
(Despite the fact that it was his 35th wedding anniversary, Dom also made
a rally appearance.  Congratulations to Dom and his wife, Rosemary--may they
celebrate many more happy years together!) 

Jewish Temple Student Assaulted by Pro-Palestinian Thug
The violent Israeli/Palestinian conflict has made its way to the campus of Temple University as a Jewish student, Daniel Vessel, was sucker-punched by an unidentified pro-Palestinian assailant.
Evidently, an argument ensued during a campus event which lead directly to
the assault.

Mr. Vessel was taken to the hospital and treated for injuries.  Not surprisingly,
University Police refused to make an arrest.

My brother, Don Adams, and I know all to well that the left does not tolerate the free speech of those with whom it disagrees--as we experienced an even more egregious attack, by Teamster thugs, for voicing our opinions at a Rally in 1998.  

Sadly, leftists are all to eager to resort to violence to silence dissent--and those
in authority, rather than seek justice, play the game of political correctness.

To read more, click: 

Congratulations to Gene and Fran Shusman! 
Two of the most generous and thoughtful conservatives in the tri-state region,
who just happen to be members of the Association, will be honored by the
Zionist Organization of America next month.

Gene and Fran Shusman will take center stage at the annual ZOA Gala to be
held Wednesday, September 10--which just happens to be the birthday of my
brother, Don.

He, I, and many other members of the Association will be on hand to personally congratulate Gene and Fran on their many contributions to the Zionist cause.

If you would like to attend the Gala, please visit and click
on the 'purchase ticket tab.'

It goes without saying that supporting the ZOA is an important and meaningful way to support the cause of Israel, which is under constant threat of annihilation.

We wish ZOA Executive DirectorSteve Feldman, much success with this event! 

Dom Giordano to be Inducted into the Broadcast Hall of Fame
Our good friend, WPHT Radio Host Dom Giordano, will be inducted into theBroadcast Pioneers Hall of Fame during a November 21 ceremony to be heldat the Hilton Philadelphia.
Our only question:  What took them so long?   Congratulations, Dom! 

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