Tuesday, August 26, 2014

NO Women On Board Of Wolf's Company? None?

In Pennsylvania today,  on the 43rd National Women's Equality Day, the Corbett-Cawley campaign highlighted additional unanswered questions on behalf of multi-millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf.

In May, former gubernatorial candidate and Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz's campaign held a press conference call with former state treasurer and auditor general Barbara Hafer demanding Tom Wolf prove women within his company are treated equally by releasing an internal company audit Wolf had used to back up prior claims that his company has "women in spades."

Hafer noted that the Wolf Organization's website indicates only 2 women on their 19-member management and that, "either Tom Wolf thinks that two women are 'women in spades,' or he lied in his previous statement," said Hafer. "If he didn't make promoting women a priority at his company, how can we trust him?"

Tom Wolf has declined to release the audit to back up his rhetoric in a long line of refusals to release information about a questionable bank loan he used to purchase the Democratic nomination, 10 years of personal tax returns and corporate tax returns for his Delaware-based business. At a debate in February of this year, Wolf promised the media he would release whatever information they wanted to see.

"Governor Corbett’s has the first-ever female chief of staff in the history of Pennsylvania and also has seven women serving at the head of state agencies. Combined, they are responsible for nearly 80 percent of the state budget," stated Women For Corbett-Cawley Chairwoman Bernie Comfort. "It’s clear that Governor Corbett values the expertise of the many intelligent, hard-working women in his administration.

"Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about Secretary Tom Wolf. Out of 26 different senior-level management and board of directors positions, only two are filled by women, despite his claims that he has “women in spades” in his company’s management. In fact, there are zero females on his board of directors. Actions speak louder than words."

For more information on the Corbett-Cawley campaign for a stronger Pennsylvania, visitwww.tomcorbettforgovernor.com.

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