Sunday, August 10, 2014

Obama To Pull Major Stunt Aug. 17 - 19?

President Obama is on the ropes.
His poll numbers are in the tank and Democrats are worried.
They're clearly off their mark as the post Labor Day election season approaches. Indeed, all the signs point to significant gains by Republicans this November.
Now, reports are circulating that Obama has Something Big planned. He'll be headed back to Washington from Martha's Vineyard one week from today -- Sunday, August 17. He'll return to his elite vacation retreat on Tuesday, August 19.
That signals a Major Development, possibly announced by the president on Monday, August 18.
This has to be something Big -- something that will dramatically change the narrative and provide the president and the Democrats with the momentum they desperately need.
Talk is centering around something that will dramatically energize the Democrat base. It could have something to do with minorities, gays or women -- groups that Obama needs to motivate. It might involve some sort of outreach to any one of a number of groups that might ordinarily be in the president's camp but are not motivated enough just now.
It's tough for Democrats to get the turnout they need in midterm elections as their base is less-informed and less aware and/or involved.
The move could involve more unilateral action by the president like a new challenge to Congress or a new, big, audacious executive order. Obama is anxious to regain the spotlight and appear to be in charge once again.
The president might surprise people with a policy shift that throws the GOP off base - maybe something involving energy or even the Keystone Pipeline.
But it could go the other way, with Obama digging in on a Big Issue. Many believe the president will launch some sort or mass amnesty and/or pardon plan which would also be a direct challenge to Congress and possibly to the courts.
The way the president operates, to keep momentum he must constantly catch his opponents off guard, shifting the narrative with surprising, audacious and even disruptive developments.
Hold on tight, America. The manchild-as-president appears ready to rev up the engine once again.

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