Friday, August 1, 2014

Save Dogs And Cats From Euthanasia: Here's How!

In New Jersey, State Senators Jennifer Beck (R-Monmouth) and Mike Doherty (R-Hunterdon, Somerset, Warren) introduced legislation to save cats and dogs no longer used for educational, research or scientific purposes from euthanization.

The Senators’ bill, S-2344, would require institutions of higher education and research facilities to offer cats and dogs to animal rescue organizations for adoption prior to euthanizing the animals.

“All cats and dogs should have every possible opportunity to be a part of a loving home, and rescued animals make for the best family members and companions,” Beck said. “Cats and dogs shouldn’t be sentenced to death at the end of an experiment or project. Their lives should be respected and cherished from beginning to end.”

“Adoption, not euthanasia, should be the first choice for healthy cats and dogs whose roles have concluded in research studies,” added Doherty. “They deserve a chance.”

S-2344 is inspired by a nationwide initiative to save animals. It would not apply to cats and dogs that are required to be euthanized for health or safety reasons.

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