Thursday, August 28, 2014

Tom Wolf: A Third Term For Obama/Rendell?

In Pennsylvania, the Corbett-Cawley campaign today released their latest television commercial, “Threepeat.” The ad highlights Tom Wolf's belief in reinstating the Ed Rendell tax-and-spend agenda in Harrisburg that left Pennsylvanians with a $4.2 billion budget deficit and unemployment as high as 8.7%, in addition to his support for President Barack Obama's big government liberal agenda in Washington, DC that would kill Pennsylvania energy jobs. Voting for multi-millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf is like voting to give Barack Obama and Ed Rendell a third term.

"Multi-millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf is a major donor to President Obama and has given hundreds of thousands of dollars to former Governor Ed Rendell, supporting the tax-and-spend job-killing agenda they all hope to force on hardworking Pennsylvanians," said Communications Director Chris Pack. "Pennsylvanians aren't looking for a third term of President Barack Obama or Governor Ed Rendell who support raising taxes, killing middle-class jobs, and taking away Pennsylvanians 2nd amendment rights."
 The commercial script and sources are listed below.

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"We already know Tom Wolf was Ed Rendell’s tax collecting hatchet man[1], where Wolf never saw a tax he didn’t like. But millionaire Wolf is also a maxed out donor to Obama[2]. Wolf not only supports disastrous Obamacare[3] which raises rates[4] and takes away your right to your own doctor[5], Wolf also supports Obama’s radical gun control agenda[6][7], and Obama’s war on PA coal jobs[8][9]. Tom Wolf: voting for him is like voting to give Obama and Rendell a third term."

“Wolf…never met a tax he didn’t like” – Pittsburgh Tribune Review, 8/9/14[10]

Tom Wolf was a large financial donor to Obama. – Federal Election Commission[11]

Wolf supports disastrous Obamacare. – PA Progressive Summit, 2/28/14[12]

Wolf supports single-payer government healthcare. – PA Progressive Summit, 2/28/14[13]

Wolf supports Obama’s extreme gun-control agenda. – WHYY, 4/7/14[14]

Wolf supports Obama’s War on PA Coal jobs – Time Magazine, 6/1/14[15]


[1] Tom Wolf served as Secretary of Revenue under Governor Ed Rendell from February 2007 – December 2008
[2] According to FEC records, Tom Wolf contributed a total of $4,600 to Barack Obama in 2008. The maximum legal combined contribution for the primary and general election that year.
[3] PA Progressive Summit Democratic Governor’s Candidates Forum, 2/28/14 – At 27:00 mark “We should do everything in our power to make the ACA [Obamacare] work.”
[4] The Hill, 8/11/14 – “ObamaCare premiums slated to rise by an average of 7.5 percent”
[5] Time, 1/1/14 – “Keeping Your Doctor Under Obamacare Is No Easy Feat”
[6] WHYY, 4/7/14 – “Neither McCord nor Wolf opposed any measures supported by CeaseFirePA…”
[7] CeaseFirePA, 1/16/13 – “CeaseFirePA’s…agenda for fighting fun violence in Pennsylvania in many ways tracks the agenda the President outlined today.”
[8] WHYY, 6/12/14 – “’One day, the carbon-based energy system we rely on right now will be a thing of the past,’ Wolf said”
[9] York Daily Record, 6/3/14 – “The ‘cap-and-trade tax�� is a reference to Wolf’s support of emission caps. Wolf supports joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, an effort among nine states to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”
[10] Pittsburgh Tribune Review, 8/9/14
[11] Supra note 2
[12] Supra note 3
[13] Id.
[14] Supra note 6
[15] Time, 6/1/14

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