Friday, August 1, 2014

We Wrote A Column - And Somebody Noticed!

Here is an e-mail that we received last week about our column in the Courier-Post newspaper entitled Obama's Faults On Display. We reprint the e-mail in its entirety without comment:

After reading your commentary in today’s Courier-Post and skimming through a few of your blogs, it is truly amazing to me that a highly educated man who has been bestowed with many honors can be so ignorant, arrogant and so totally narcissistic. Get over yourself.

Your GOP Has the Solutions blog was the best. Nothing but right-wing, tea bagger garbage. I find it so very ironic that it took the election of a black president to reveal just how racist this country truly is in the year 2014. The GOP in congress has one agenda and one agenda only…..stymy the president, no matter the consequences or hardships it may cause. For example, Obama proposed to put tens of thousands of people to work on our deteriorating infrastructure, but the GOP voted it down. Had to, because it would have made that n***er in the White House look good. And that’s EXACTLY what they say and think. You should know, of all people.

The GOP, a political party that is anti-minority, anti-immigration, anti-women, anti-education, anti-environment, anti-middle-class and homophobic. Yes, put the GOP in charge, then set your clocks and watches back 50 years.

The Democrats have two women; Hilary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren, one of whom could very possibly be the next president. The GOP has two women: Sarah Palin and Michele Bachman who could co-star in the film Dum and Dummer II. I find that quite symbolic. And make mistake Mr. Cirucci, if Clinton runs, she will win…EASILY…because the GOP has NO ONE…NO ONE who would have a chance of beating her.

There Is talk about impeaching Obama. What a joke. GW Bush blatantly lied about WMD’s to get us into a war that has cost the lives of over 4,000 brave young men and women, maimed for life tens of thousands more, killed countless innocent Iraqi citizens and has run up a bill in dollars that is still be calculated. If there ever was a president that should have been impeached I was Bush. But, hey, he’s a conservative Republican and he’s white. Get my point?

Yeah, Mr. Cirucci you keep blogging and keep patting yourself on the back. Like the people who watch FAUX (Fox) News, the only ones who read your blog are the myopic thinkers who only read material that tells them what to hear. Dissenting opinions are most definitely not allowed.

Ed Schiffendecker

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