Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wolf: Is He For The Bill, Against It, Or What?

In Pennsylvania, the Corbett-Cawley campaign today drew attention to more confusing hypocrisy courtesy of millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf. 

 The latest hypocrisy comes at the hands of Wolf's new television ad, where he attacks the bipartisan transportation bill signed into law by Governor Tom Corbett that is estimated to create 50,000 middle class jobs and preserve an additional 12,000 jobs. Earlier this week, Wolf praised Corbett’s leadership in getting the bill signed into law. See below:

“If you want to see where Secretary Tom Wolf stands on a certain issue at a given point in time, all you have to do is go outside and see which way the wind is blowing,” stated Communications Director Chris Pack. “One day Wolf is praising Governor Tom Corbett and the legislature for their work on a bipartisan transportation bill that is repairing our roads and bridges, creating 50,000 middle class jobs and preserving an additional 12,000, and then less than 24 hours later he is attacking him for it. This is further proof that you just can't trust Tom Wolf."

Wolf’s comments praising Governor Corbett were spoken during a luncheon with the Manufacturer & Business Association on Monday in Erie. Notable supporters of the bipartisan transportation bill that Wolf simultaneously attacks and supports, include many within Wolf’s campaign circles. This includes his running mate, State Senator Mike Stack; State Representative Jake Wheatley; State Representative Dwight Evans; and State Representative Mike Sturla.

For more information on the Corbett-Cawley campaign for a stronger Pennsylvania, please visit

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