Thursday, September 25, 2014

At $2.4 Million, Do Unions 'Own' Tom Wolf?

In Pennsylvania, the Corbett-Cawley campaign today highlighted the cozy relationship multi-millionaire Secretary Tom Wolf has with the public sector union bosses bankrolling his campaign. New campaign finance reports show Wolf has received more than $2.14 million from public sector unions who have joined him in perpetuating the "billion dollar lie," and Wolf has rewarded them handsomely by denying Pennsylvania's pension crisis and opposing key taxpayer reforms. 

Wolf even invited them to join him at a place of honor at the dais for Wolf's appearance at Monday's Pennsylvania Press Club, just hours before a debate in which Wolf continued to deny the need for pension reform.

"Secretary Tom Wolf is bought and paid for by the public sector unions who have given his campaign more than $2.14 million to deny pension reform and property tax relief for Pennsylvanians," said Communications Director Chris Pack. 

"Tom Wolf will clearly do whatever it takes to restore the status quo for the liberal special interest groups while putting Pennsylvania small businesses and middle class families on the hook for the cost of his big government agenda with massive tax hikes. Wolf simply cannot be trusted to put Pennsylvanians' best interests first."

For more information on the Corbett-Cawley campaign for a stronger Pennsylvania, visit

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