Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Christie Signs 19 Bills, Vetoes 13

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie today announced action that has been taken on the following legislation:


ACS for A-845, 971, 1649/SCS for S-488, 1808, (Mainor, Lampitt, S. Kean, Singleton, Giblin, Wimberly, Jimenez, Coughlin/Scutari, Singer, A.R. Bucco) - Establishes durational limits and enumerates certain factors concerning modification and termination of alimony; establishes "open durational" alimony

A-865/S-299 (Sumter, Wimberly, Vainieri Huttle/Rice, Pou) - Provides for electronic scanning of certain certificates for initiating court proceedings for involuntary commitment

ACS for A-1101/SCS for S-668 (Vainieri Huttle, Rible, Sumter/Pou) - "Let Them Be Little Act"; provides for screening newborn infants for MPS I and MPS II

A-1153/S-1859 (Ciattarelli, Schaer, McKeon, Webber, Eustace/Bateman) - Clarifies that electronic funds transfers are included within the scope of the statute concerning issuing or passing bad checks

A-1162/S-2038 (Ciattarelli, Schaer, McKeon, Webber, Eustace/Bateman) - Clarifies that electronic funds transfers are included within the scope of the civil statute concerning issuing bad checks

A-1314/S-1803 (Quijano, Vainieri Huttle, Jasey, Benson, Singleton, Wilson, Lampitt/Van Drew, Allen) - Creates the option to make a voluntary contribution for the support of local libraries on gross income tax returns

A-1423/S-2043 (Caride, Prieto, Schaer, Jimenez, Quijano/Gill, Pennacchio) - Prohibits notaries public from falsely representing themselves as attorneys in advertisments

A-1471/S-1689 (Diegnan, Pinkin, Riley/Smith, Van Drew) - Permits alternate members of county planning boards to vote in place of any absent public member

A-1477/S-1224 (Diegnan, Johnson, Quijano, McKeon, Schepisi/Weinberg, Scutari) - Establishes the "New Jersey Family Collaborative Law Act"

A-1510/S-1560 (DeAngelo, Eustace, Lampitt, Wilson, Andrzejczak/A.R. Bucco, Bateman) - Requires hiring preference for veterans seeking position with State Police

A-1794/S-1048 (O'Donnell, Clifton/Bateman, Van Drew) - Limits when bidders can be required to submit a financial statement in order to bid on a local public contract or county college contract

            A-2025 (Greenwald, Moriarty, Chivukula) - Grants immunity from liability for certain professional services rendered during emergencies under certain circumstances

A-2280/S-1305 (Moriarty, Mainor, Fuentes, Mosquera, Lampitt/Norcross) - Requires certain police vehicles to be equipped with cameras

A-2364/S-1985 (Wolfe, Lampitt/Allen, Cunningham, Ruiz) - Provides that eligibility for NJ STARS Program be based on class rank at completion of student's junior year or senior year of high school

A-2455/S-1022 (Carroll, A.M. Bucco, Jasey, McKeon/A.R. Bucco, Oroho, Codey) - Dedesignates portions of Route 24

ACS for A-2684/S-1844 (Andrzejczak/Van Drew) - Establishes Menhaden Personal Use and Limited Sale License, and permits use of certain gear for taking of menhaden

A-2851/SCS for S-390, 621 (Coughlin, Pinkin, McKeon, Sumter/Scutari, Thompson) - Eliminates requirement that candidates file with county clerk duplicate copy of report of contributions and expenditures; requires each county provide link to ELEC on county Internet site

A-2921/S-2163 (Giblin/Beach, Oroho) - Revises "Accountancy Act of 1997"

A-3410/S-2177 (Fuentes, Wilson, Riley, Sumter/Norcross) - Extends economic recovery term under "Municipal Rehabilitation and Economic Recovery Act"

A-373/S-2091 (Caputo, Diegnan, Spencer, Tucker, Quijano, Vainieri Huttle, Sumter/Rice, Ruiz) - ABSOLUTE - Requires school buildings to be equipped with emergency light and panic alarm linked to local law enforcement

ACS for A-441/S-438 (Jasey, Wilson, Sumter, Vainieri Huttle/Ruiz) - ABSOLUTE -Allows municipalities to designate redevelopment entities and certain non-profits to act as land bank entities

A-961/S-1739 (Singleton, Prieto, Burzichelli, Schaer, Webber/Van Drew, A.R. Bucco) - ABSOLUTE - Requires an annual State debt affordability analysis be included in the State Debt Report

A-1080/S-1772 (Vainieri Huttle, Jimenez, Moriarty/Turner, Vitale, Weinberg) - ABSOLUTE - Prohibits smoking at public parks and beaches

A-1907/S-1011 (Burzichelli, Bramnick, Singleton, DeCroce, Lampitt, Wimberly/Lesniak, Beck) – CONDITIONAL - Reinstates moratorium on imposition of Statewide non-residential development fees until January 2015

A-2268/S-307 (Wisniewski, Singleton, Benson, Lagana/Gordon, Norcross) - ABSOLUTE - Establishes State Transportation Infrastructure Bank Fund and Clean Energy and Infrastructure Modernization Fund within New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust

A-2303/S-1418 (DeAngelo, Eustace, Gusciora/Smith, Bateman) – ABSOLUTE -  Requires certain State departments, divisions, commissions, and authorities to consider use of green or blue roof in construction of certain new State buildings, facilities, and structures

A-2305/S-1416 (DeAngelo, Pinkin, Eustace/Smith, Bateman) – CONDITIONAL - Requires adoption of certain rules and regulations by DCA and DEP concerning blue roofs and green roofs

A-2307/S-1415 (DeAngelo, Pinkin, Eustace/Smith, Bateman) – ABSOLUTE - Requires NJ Environmental Infrastructure Financing Program to give additional weight in ranking system to projects including green or blue roof

A-2479/S-2153 (Lagana, Green, Garcia/Van Drew, Cunningham) – CONDITIONAL - Requires elevators in new buildings be at least a certain size

A-2795/S-1203 (Johnson, Watson Coleman, Spencer, Pintor Marin, Vainieri Huttle/Weinberg) - ABSOLUTE - Provides Medicaid coverage for family planning services to individuals with incomes up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level

A-3310/S-2269 (Wimberly, Cryan, Singleton, Sumter/Gordon) – ABSOLUTE - Credits increases in employee contributions required by P.L.2011, c.78 as additional contributions to TPAF, JRS, PERS, PFRS and SPRS unavailable to reduce normal contributions of State and local employers for actuarial valuations beginning July 1, 2015

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