Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Even Wolf Can't Explain His Own Wacky Tax Plan

In Pennsylvania, he Corbett-Cawley campaign today called on Secretary Tom Wolf to stop blaming the media on statewide television for their coverage of Wolf’s proposed income tax hike and to instead provide the specific details of his tax proposal, which is a cornerstone of Wolf’s campaign. 

Wolf continues making the excuse that he does not have the tax data available to release his plan, even though that information is publicly available on the Department of Revenue website.
Watch Wolf blame the media for their coverage of Wolf’s
income tax hike instead of providing specific details of his plan by clicking HERE.
“Instead of Tom Wolf finally explaining his income tax hike proposal to a statewide audience during Monday’s debate, Wolf instead chose to blame the media for simply trying to make sense of Wolf’s extremely vague ramblings,” stated Communications Director Chris Pack. 

“If Tom Wolf doesn’t want to be called out for his plan to raise income taxes on middle class families, all he has to do is use the publicly available tax data to give us the details of his plan. Nobody told Tom Wolf he had to run for governor, but since he chose to do so, he needs to adequately convey to the voters what he is actually proposing.”

Two months ago, the Corbett-Cawley campaign provided Wolf with the publicly available tax data necessary for Wolf to provide the details of his income tax proposal. According to Wolf himself, that data includes “information on the taxable income” based on “income tax returns filed with the Commonwealth.” The data is also available online on the Department of Revenue’s website.

For more information on the Corbett-Cawley campaign for a stronger Pennsylvania, visit

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