Thursday, September 25, 2014

Holder Resigns: Here's The Full Story!

Few, if any US attorneys general have served longer as the nation's top lawyer than Eric Holder. But now the Holder era is about to end.
Attorney General Eric Holder has resigned. And the resignation is expected to occur quickly as Holder will leave just as soon as replacement is found.
One of the most controversial AGs in American history, Holder is a longtime Obama confidant and has always been part of the president's inner circle. A steadfast defender of Obama, his policies and his announced aim to "transform America," Eric Holder has found himself at the center of a storm almost since his first day in the post. In fact, in recent years Holder has even been the subject of possible contempt of Congress or impeachment proceedings.
Apparently Holder informed the president over Labor Day that he planned to step down from his post and President Obama will make a formal announcement later today.
Holder, the 82nd attorney general and the first African-American to serve in that position. It's being reported that the attorney general told DOJ staff the news this morning and has called civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., and Ethel Kennedy, the widow of former AG Robert F. Kennedy.
Sources reportedly say a leading candidate for that job is Solicitor General Don Verrilli, the administration's top representative to the Supreme Court.
Friends and former colleagues say Holder has made no decisions about his next professional move, but some believe he will return to the law firm Covington & Burling, where he spent years representing corporate clients.

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