Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Incredible: She Wants Nuns To Pay For Abortions!

Here is a very special message from catholicvote.org:

Should Nuns be
forced to pay for abortion drugs?
Dear Friend,

This ad cuts to the chase.

Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu is so dedicated to abortion that she'll make Catholic nuns pay for it!

It's unbelievable. But true.

Mary Landrieu and Senate Democrats were even given a chance to reject the HHS mandate and to reinstate conscience protections for employers -- so they wouldn't have to pay for abortion drugs.

But Senator Mary Landrieu voted to keep forcing employers, like the Little Sisters of the Poor, to pay for abortion drugs. It's an outrage!

Mary Landrieu's only hope to stay in office is if voters in Louisiana don't know about her radical 100% pro-abortion voting record since 2008.

But we think Louisiana voters deserve the truth.

Will you help us get the word out to voters in Louisiana?


P.S. You can send your contribution by mail to:

P.O. Box 2709
Chicago, IL 60690

Paid for by CatholicVote.org Civic Action. Not coordinated with any campaign or campaign committee. www.catholicvote.org.

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