Monday, September 8, 2014

Is Wolf Campaign Using Taxpayer-Funded Resources?

In Pennsylvania, the Corbett-Cawley campaign today released the following statement regarding Secretary Tom Wolf’s False Start campaign using taxpayer-funded staff at a campaign event this morning in Philadelphia. State Senator Hughes’s staff today attended and tweeted – and Wolf’s False Start Campaign subsequently retweeted – a photo of Hughes’s official government staff at Wolf’s campaign event.

“Secretary Tom Wolf has spent months trying to manufacture scandals about Governor Tom Corbett despite the fact that Wolf encourages and continues to participate in patently illegal taxpayer-funded campaign activities,” stated Communications Director Chris Pack. “This is another example of Wolf exploiting taxpayer-funded government resources for his personal campaign purposes. The Corbett-Cawley campaign believes it is both timely and appropriate for Attorney General Kathleen Kane to investigate the illegal coordination between Tom Wolf’s False Start PAC and an official government office.”

Wolf has a history of using taxpayer-funded resources for his campaign. As reported in June by Chris Brennan of the Philadelphia Daily News, Wolf was caught red handed lobbying the Philadelphia City Council for their political support during their official legislative proceedings, in violation of the city’s sunshine laws.

The Corbett-Cawley campaign is troubled by a pattern of clearly coordinated press conferences between Tom Wolf’s False Start campaign and official government offices.

“We know that Tom Wolf’s False Start campaign has been touring the state spewing lies about Governor Corbett, but now it appears that as part of these sham press conferences is clear coordination with taxpayer-funded government offices. Voters have a right to see just how widespread this coordination has gone, and that is why Attorney General Kane has an obligation to investigate just how frequently taxpayer-funded offices are coordinating with Wolf’s False Start campaign."


@SenatorHughesOffice is “the official Twitter Account of PA State Senator Vincent Hughes’ District Office.”

On Monday morning, State Senator Vincent Hughes’s official government office attended and tweeted out a photo of State Senator Hughes attending a campaign press conference hosted by Tom Wolf’s False Start campaign.

Senator Hughes’ taxpayer-funded official office also re-tweeted tweets that were sent out from Tom Wolf’s False Start campaign.

For more information on the Corbett-Cawley campaign for a stronger Pennsylvania, please visit

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