Monday, September 8, 2014

Kyrillos, Beck Praise Move On NJ Sports Betting

Monmouth County Senators Joseph Kyrillos and Jennifer Beck stated the following about today’s directive from Governor Christie to the Attorney General that allows casinos and racetracks to operate sports betting pools:

“This directive paves the way for legalized sports betting in the state which will be a boon to New Jersey,” Beck said. “It will keep us competitive with other states while offering a significant new source of tax revenue. Sports betting will also offer a much needed lifeline to our ailing casinos and horse racing industry. This bold move will have a long-term, positive impact upon our state.”

“This action is especially important to Monmouth County, the home of Monmouth Park,” said Kyrillos, who voted in favor of the original sports betting legislation. “This is good timing, as we work to create opportunities for the 8,000 people who are looking for new jobs due to Atlantic City’s struggles and the reason I voted for sports betting in the first place. We look forward to continuing our work with the administration to resolve this issue.”

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