Friday, September 12, 2014

Polls Auger Well For GOP This November

The latest polls show President Obama's approval at a new low - 38%.  
That's the verdict from the respected Gallup poll. And, as if that wasn't bad enough, the same poll shows that nearly 60% of those surveyed disapprove of the president's job performance so far.
And there's more bad news from a just-released NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll that shows Obama's approval rating for foreign policy is at a new low of 30%
The poll also found that 47% believe the country is less safe than it was before the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks—up sharply from 28% just one year ago.
And thats not the half of it. Consider the following:
  • By a margin of 18% Americans now prefer Republicans over Democrats to handle foreign policy, reactivating the GOP's traditional advantage in defense and foreign affairs.
  • By a margin of 18% the Republican Party is preferred to reduce the deficit.
  • When it comes to dealing with the economy, the voters now prefer the GOP, this time by a margin of 10%.
  • On dealing with immigration, Republicans now hold a 7% lead.
  • On dealing with health care, the GOP has scored a dramatic reversal and is now preferred by 8% more voters over the Democrats.
  • Even on taxes, Republicans now hold a 4% lead.
  • Finally, when asked which party they want to control Congress, Americans pick the Republican Party 45% to 43%. This margin may seem small but it is ominous because it matches the margin that the GOP held in 2010 when it swamped Democrats and won control of the House. This time it's the Senate that the GOP has in its sights.
Right now, the polls simply do not look good for President Obama and his party no matter how you look at them.
The steady erosion of confidence in Obama continues to take its toll and it shows no signs of abating. 

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