Saturday, September 6, 2014

Society Fights For Religious Liberty, Catholic Values

A very special message from the Cardinal Newman Society:

September 5, 2014
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Dear friends,This is what religious persecutionlooks like.
As we reported last week, California Gov. Jerry Brown's administration is violating federal law by forcing two Catholic universities and other religious employers to include "elective abortion" coverage in their health plans.
Now we've exposed their hypocrisy!  Your Cardinal Newman Society broke the very important story that California's own health plans for state employees cover only "medically necessary" abortions—even while claiming that similar Catholic employers' plans are discriminatory and unconstitutional!
California's abortion mandate is an outrageous attack on the religious freedoms of Catholic educators.  We've done our investigative research, and with the attorneys at Alliance Defending Freedom and the Life Legal Defense Foundation, we're doing everything we can to fight back.  Please pray for us.
Meanwhile, the University of Notre Dame has again undermined its own lawsuit against the Obama administration's HHS mandate by renewing a student health plan that covers contraceptives, including some that cause abortion.  A student plan!
Perhaps that's a selling point for prospective students in Notre Dame's pre-college summer course on "Gender and Culture in American Society," which seems intended to dispel the Christian understanding of male and female.
Now contrast that with the vision for student life presented by Father Sean Sheridan, TOR, president of the Franciscan University of Steubenville, at The Cardinal Newman Society's conference of student affairs professionals.  Or Pope Benedict XVI's vision for Catholic higher education as described by Dr. George Harne, president of the College of St. Mary Magdalen.
And there's much hope in the expansion of classical, Catholic schools and plans for a Catholic high school for students with special needs.  Blessed John Henry Newman, pray for us!


Patrick J. Reilly

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