Monday, September 15, 2014

The Face Of Tomorrow's GOP Congress

Ryan Costello is running for Congress in Pennsylvania's 6th Congressional District with the goal of ending the partisan gridlock in Washington, finding sensible bi-partisan solutions to the challenges facing our nation, and getting our country back on track so that we can create a brighter future for local residents and future generations.
Here's what he has to say:
As I meet and talk with voters, it’s clear that the want someone who will be an independent voice in Washington. As a County Commissioner I have a record of balancing budgets, cutting spending and still investing in things like our library system and open space that make our community a great place to raise a family. Voters want a congressman who delivers results, who’s not afraid to put the interests of the country above partisan politics, and is willing to work in a bi-partisan manner to address the issues facing our nation.

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