Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Tom Wolf: If He's Lying About This . . .

In Pennsylvania, the Corbett-Cawley campaign today announced the release of their latest television commercial, “Mr. Big.” The ad calls out Secretary Tom Wolf on his continued attempt to sell the “billion dollar lie” regarding education funding. The ad is now running statewide on television.

“Secretary Tom Wolf’s entire campaign is a house of cards built on tax increases, recycled big government agenda and bold-faced lies,” stated Communications Director Chris Pack. “The undisputable truth is that Wolf is lying about Governor Corbett’s record and newspapers across Pennsylvania agree. Tom Wolf is a liar and that should disqualify him from serving as Governor.”

The commercial script and sources are listed below.
* * *
Tom Wolf’s big lie about education funding has now been exposed. 
In Pittsburgh, they called Wolf’s education ad a blatant lie [1]. 
In Philadelphia they confirmed, Tom Corbett has increased state funding for education [2]. 
And state spending on public education is at its highest level ever [3]. 
Even Wolf’s hometown newspaper said that Tom Corbett gave more for schools with no tax increase [4]. 
If Wolf is willing to lie about your kid’s education, what won’t he lie about?
[1] A Pittsburgh Tribune-Review editorial said the following regarding Tom Wolf’s education lie, calling it a,  “Blatant lie that Tom Corbett cut $1,000,000,000 from education.” – Pittsburgh Tribune Review, 8/30/14
[2] The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that “Corbett has increased the state’s annual funding for basic education” – The Philadelphia Inquirer, 9/14/14
[3} “State Spending on public education is at the highest level ever” – Commonwealth Foundation, 2/11/14
[4] “Corbett’s budget: More for schools, no tax increase.” – York Daily Record, 2/5/14

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