Wednesday, September 10, 2014

'Who Is John Galt?' Debuts This Weekend

A message from John Aglialoro

I'm personally writing to ask you to help get the word out about the film … something for our mutual love of the work of Ayn Rand, and appreciation for how her ideas have changed our lives for the better. This weekend, Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt?, the third and final part of the trilogy, will be released in almost 300 movie theaters across America. I wish it were 3,000 theaters, and that we had tens of millions of dollars for advertising, but that would be wishful thinking.
The movie needs awareness to succeed in changing and opening minds. The left hopes no one goes to the theater this weekend. They don’t want their own collectivist mentality compared with Rand’s belief in the individual. They do not want her integrity of thought to reach the sunlight. The result of their philosophy is the message of Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt? and it shows quite clearly that force “for the good of all” is a hell on earth for mankind.
That is why the movies are constantly shunned by Hollywood, the majority of the press, and the universities (of all places!). As we know, Atlas Shrugged sells roughly 200,000 copies yearly without their support. However, too many people do not read her books, but would be drawn to see the movie on September 12th weekend if you helped them to make the decision.
And that is my request to you … this moment in time is precious. Please use it to call and email your friends and relatives to get to a theater this weekend and the next … make it a cause. A cause for the sake of yourselves and those you love.
John B
John Aglialoro, Producer
Atlas Shrugged

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